[Openchrome-users] Widescreen flat panels and CLE266

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx
Sun Apr 9 12:10:18 PDT 2006

John Robinson wrote:

>I've used those Acer screens. Fiddly. You need to set a suitable image,
>preferably one with a strong stipple on it, and just hit the Auto
>button, and it'll sample the signal to try and line itself up properly.
>It only manages it if there are lots and lots of sharp edges in the
>signal. Actually the default black-and-white background X has (or used
>to, I think my Red Hat build has it taken out) would be just the job...
>try just starting X on its own (e.g. `telinit 3; X`) to see if you get
>that pattern. Failing that, I've attached a tiny GIF which you could try
>setting (tiled) as your desktop background.

Which brings up the issue:  how come no one has written a simple suite to
generate the various calibration patterns for X?  You know, the color bleed
charts, the vertical and horizontal sharpness charts, the moving grey bands,


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