[Openchrome-users] only NTSC modes in VT1626 TV-out modes? -> need PAL

Tim Dodge timmy
Thu Aug 3 00:55:45 PDT 2006

Quoting Roy Thompson <roy at haematic.org>:

> I've been tinkering with this myself (PAL on an EN12000E).
> I've managed to get 720x576 over-scan more or less working.
> I copied over existing 1622 entries and merged in stuff from the via
> console driver,
> which has all the mode entries for 1625, although in a slightly
> different form.
> Is this the right approach to take?
> I also tried 640x480 under-scan, but not sure whether that really works
> in this patch.
> Attached is an svn-diff from revision 201
> Be warned this includes a few changes to via_mode.h and via_id.h also
> that someone else
> posted to the list a few weeks back for EN12000/CN700, sorry, I've
> forgotten who!
> I am not sure if they are needed as well or not any more.
> Anyway, it displays more or less the correct looking image. :-)
> I've got this test card image from the BBC website, which is great for
> testing over scan
> mode (http://www.haematic.org/bbc720x576.jpg).
> cheers,
> Roy

Here are the 720x576 Underscan, Full and Overscan modes from the via  
framebuffer code for 576P.

They work fine via component out on my Commell mobo.

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