[Openchrome-users] XvMC status

Thomas Hellström thomas
Thu Aug 10 08:50:54 PDT 2006

Daniel Kristjansson wrote:

>On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 12:14 +0200, Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
>>St?phane Konstantaropoulos wrote:
>>>Le jeudi 10 ao?t 2006 10:48, vous avez ?crit :
>>>I thought EXA allowed to accelerate Render, which is used by other things too.
>>It does, but the speedup is a bit doubtful. Many render operations
>>operate on very small pixmaps, and sometimes it's faster to quickly do
>>it in software than to set up the texture engines and all the EXA
>>infrastructure needed to do it in hardware.
>This is really about using the composite extension. I've been working
>on a MythTV video output method that uses composite for the OSD. I plan
>on releasing it once nVidia makes their XvMC implementation compatible
>with composite (It's in their roadmap but there is no ETA). It would be
>really cool if it worked with VIA hardware as well. This would allow
>full color alpha blended OSD with XvMC instead of the ugly 16 color
>stuff we use now.
>You can already get full color alpha blended OSD with XvMC on nVidia
>hardware if you configure MythTV to use their XvMC to pbuffer extension,
>but it is too slow to use with HDTV because of the extra copies, the
>composite extension requires just one copy+composite operation, vs.
>two copies in addition to the copy+composite operation.
>-- Daniel

openChrome XvMC and Xv support for composite is something that is 
upcoming, but
only Unichrome PRO group A (CN400 / P[MN]800) and later chipsets.  The 
support will allow
multiple transparent videos on top of eachother with XvMC, and also with 
Xv if fast enough
processors are used. It's not impossible that ARGB XvMC subpictures will 
be added on top of that
at a later time.


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