[Openchrome-users] AIGLX?

Stéphane Konstantaropoulos skonstant
Fri Aug 11 05:55:36 PDT 2006

Hi all,

Anybody managed to run AIGLX on one of these chips?

I just tried with the packages from 

I had to recompile the driver because of ABI version mismatch.

The display remained blank with EXA acceleration selected. But worked with 
XAA, however it was dead slow with the KDE compositing manager on. A bit 
faster with this option set:

	Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"

But overall not as fast as the previous Xorg version with EXA.

Then I tried to use compiz or metacity and they both failed. Compiz complained 
that non power of 2 textures were not supported and metacity just segfaulted.

All the way I got messages from libGL saying that the driver "claimed not to 
support visual ..."

Was anybody more lucky than me?

St?phane Konstantaropoulos <skonstant at sgul.ac.uk>
-- Web Developer - Computing Services
--- St George's University of London
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