[Openchrome-users] 720x480 problems

Thomas Hellström thomas
Mon Aug 14 04:24:15 PDT 2006

Trevor Kramer wrote:

>  Hello,
>I am running mythtv on a EPIA board (CN700 North Bridge) using a  
>PVR-500 for captures. I am using the latest svn version of the  
>openchrome drivers and using Xv output. When capturing video at  
>720x480 (or when playing dvds using the mythtv Internal player) the  
>video plays back corrupted with red diagonal lines across the screen  
>and a green bar at the bottom - I have a picture of it here - http:// 
>www.trevorkramer.com/myth_corrupted.jpg - The same file plays fine in  
>mplayer and xine. When capturing at 480x480 or several other settings  
>it plays back fine in mythtv. Also - I can play back 720x480 content  
>when using XvMC - it only happens when using Xv output in mythtv.   
>Anyone have any idea on why 720x480 would not work in myth but other  
>resolutions would? The mythtv folks are claiming this is an  
>openchrome problem.
Hi, Trevor.
Can you try the xorg.conf driver option

Option "NoXVDMA" "true"

If it works with this option set to true (and it looks like it will), it 
is MythTV not setting up the Xv image format according to the pitches 
and sizes it receives from the X server, and thus a MythTV bug.


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