[Openchrome-users] Anyone working on mpeg4, if so, I'd be happy to play 'tester'...

Thomas Hellström thomas
Fri Aug 18 03:01:51 PDT 2006

Chad wrote:

>I just got done reading oodles of various mailing list 'discussions'
>as well as a bit here and there around Via's website.
>I'm really wanting mpeg4 acceleration to work with the CN400 chipset
>(SP13000 or Commell 667).  It would move my machine(s) from slightly
>usable to actually replacing larger/louder/clunkier machines.  I
>understand (from reading some threads on various mailing lists) that
>it's bad-juju to mention paying someone to work on this, or offering
>hardware, etc.  So, I'm not sure what needs to be done, but I'm able
>and willing to be a tester.  I've got both an SP13000 and a Commell
>667-T that I can test with, and I'm fluent in multiple distros from
>FC, Ubuntu to Gentoo and Slackware, as well as most others.
>I don't have much to offer in the way of coding, otherwise I'd offer
>to step up to that plate.  I can tweak existing code to a very small
>degree, I can generally figure out what causes something to not
>compile correctly/completely, I can tweak configs, I can read docs...
>I understand quite a bit of Linux in general.
>I'd rather find a solution that can work with OpenChrome rather than
>try to tweak the Via drivers to work with various systems.  If that
>solution is to somehow integrate the mpeg4 functionality from the Via
>drivers into an OpenChrome system, I'd be up for trying that as well;
>but I'd need a push in the general direction to get started on butting
>the 2 drivers up against each other.
>Whatever it takes, I am really interested in getting the mpeg4
>acceleration working.
Hi, Chad.

It's not impossible that we can pursuade VIA to release some mpeg4 info, 
at least under NDA, but the problem is there is a lack of time among the 
developers here and also other things that might have higher priority.

When Ivor did an initial test of VIA's mpeg4 accelerated players they 
were slower playing mpeg4 than openChrome's unaccelerated players. 
Nobody has since given us hard figures showing the benefit of 
accelerated mpeg4. AFAICT the current status is that openChrome has the 
fastest mpeg4 playback you can get on VIA cpus. (Bold statement ;)).

If you have some time over to do a test with VIA's driver it would be 
really nice getting some CPU-usage figures both for HD and SD mpeg4 
compared to openChrome's. If it turns out that accelerated mpeg4 really 
makes a difference, it might jump on the priority list.


>(P.S.  I'd also really like to get 1080HD playback working in MythTV,
>but that's a different list and another day)
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