[Openchrome-users] CN700 problems.

Christiaan van Dijk dvbmail
Sun Dec 17 10:36:13 PST 2006

Jon Nettleton wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-12-17 at 14:34 +0100, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Or you can try adding Option "DisableIRQ" "true" to your via device
> secton in xorg.conf. That might help troubleshoot the problem.
> Jon
Tried that one, made no difference. Since the problems already occur in
2D mode I also tried "NoAGPFor2D" "true" and the combination with
DisableIRQ, all giving the same result. Only thing really affecting the
behavior is removing Load "dri" from the modules section in xorg.conf.
This gives a stable system as far as I could test but there are still
some weird things going on, rarely X takes lots of CPU time but it does
not crash. Playing DivX with mplayer is sensitive to this one, it
suddenly starts dropping frames while CPU load remains low, X seems to
be waiting for something. Pausing/resuming mplayer helps.


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