[Openchrome-users] K8M890 DRI ok AGP ok But freezes

chryjs userforum
Thu Dec 21 03:58:10 PST 2006

Re : K8M890 DRI ok AGP ok But freezes
> Thanks for your responses.  Currently our work has gone as far as,
> implementing Xv.  XvMC might work, and if you feel brave please test and
> get back to us on your success.  The K8M890 uses a different 3D engine,
> which looks to be non-backwards compatible with the code for unichrome
> in Mesa.  We are waiting on VIA for some spec sheets to help get
> hardware opengl acceleration working.  For now you will have to settle
> for hardware video playback.
> Jon

Thanks for your work ! 

About xvmc : as I am not an xorg specialist I just tried : xine -V xvmc ... and xine dies silently. Strace gives : 
write(1, "main: video driver  failed"..., 33) = 33

Strangely when i run xine in standalone asking to set the video output use xvmc and reload it, then it seems Ok... But I am not pretty sure that it is using really xvmc...

Another point : Is there any prerequisites within xorg for example before using xvmc ...

With mplayer -v :
options that seems ok are : xvmc  xv x11 (I haven't tried the others).

Thanks for the info about opengl. 

One question I haven't look at very sharply is the viafb question ;)


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