[Openchrome-users] K8M800 1440x900

wnpaul userforum
Sat Dec 23 14:19:24 PST 2006

K8M800 1440x900

I successfully downloaded, built and installed OpenChrome on my Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) system but it does not seem to support the slightly non-standard resolution of my TFT monitor.

Neither of course does the default via driver; however, the unichrome driver from the repository does support the resolution (but it doesn't support acceleration).

How can I enable 1440x900 in the OpenChrome driver?

I looked at the via_mode.h file, and by running X -probeonly with the unichrome driver I have obtained most of the numbers for a 1440x900 mode line, but the first number after the "MODEPREFIX" I have no clue (on the line for 1400x1050 this number is 122726).

Any help, anybody?(:question:)


Wolf Paul


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