[Openchrome-users] VIA SP8000 observations

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Tue Feb 21 04:53:38 PST 2006

Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
> Hello,
> Although the setup is much working better as I get along setting things
> up I noticed this:
> video.device.unichrome_cpu_save:0 in .xine/config works better than
> enabling this option (video is smooth now but is less smooth when enabled)
> Is this an openchrome issue or a xine specific problem?
nope, only an incompatibility between "EnableAGPDMA" in xorg.conf and 
unichrome_cpu_save in xine. You must only have one enabled at the same time.
The one to be used might not be the same depending on the chipset, but I 
guess the xorg option is prefered over the xine option. I'm pretty sure 
Thomas has more insight.

I guess we need a 'tips and tricks' page in the wiki, for the different 
chipsets, different distro, etc... I'll try to find some time to begin 
one, but I don't promise anything, I'm unfortunatly really short on free 
time at the moment. Anyone feel free to beat me to it :-)



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