[Openchrome-users] VIA SP8000 observations

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh
Tue Feb 21 07:35:30 PST 2006

Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
> The menu problem is most likely due to a resource competition between X
> and the mpeg decoder. It's hard to do anything about that with the
> current drm architecture. I recommend you to try to disable unscaled OSD
> to see if that makes any difference. Unscaled OSD generates a huge
> amount of traffic between xine and the X server, particularly in
> fullscreen mode 32 bit.

I put this in .xine/config:


No effect on the menu issue. Just no osd anymore, e.g. when pressing F1
to record in xine.
These were the right settings?

BTW: recording in xine works OK, even when using the menu's I see no
effects in the recorded mpeg.


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