AW: [Openchrome-users] 50€ REWARD: Still"BadAccess" - please help!!

Ethan Arnold ethan
Tue Jan 3 14:02:33 PST 2006


# l /dev/dr*
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     60 Jan  3 12:43 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 root root  19360 Jan  3 12:45 ..
crw-rw-rw-   1 root root 226, 0 Jan  3 12:43 card0

# l /dev/dr*
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root     60 Jan  3 12:43 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 root root  19360 Jan  3 12:45 ..
crw-rw-rw-   1 root root 226, 0 Jan  3 12:43 card0

Changed [dri] to [DRI].

Did not help.

I am doing all this via SSH as root, and yes, DISPLAY is set like that, otherwise I would get the message "vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!"

The option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps" was suggested to my by somone as a bugfix/workaround, I removed that, no difference.

I also tried 64MB framebuffer + AGP setting in BIOS, no difference.

I am working remotely on the machine (watching the screen from across the room) via 2 ssh sessions, both logged in as root. In one i just say "startx" and in the other session i just say "mplayer -vo xv filename.mpeg". If I login as root on the console, startx, and then run mplayer in an xterm, the results are all the same.

I'll now have a look at xvtestcard and report the results.

Good work, guys, keep it coming :-)


Xorg.conf device section is now:
Section "Device"
#    Option     "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"
    Identifier  "VIA Unichrome"
    Driver      "via"
    VendorName  "VIA"
    BoardName   "VIA Unichrome"
#    Option     "DisableIRQ"
#    Option     "EnableAGPDMA"
#    Option     "VideoRAM"      "32"

Xvinfo: (what am i looking for here?)

# xvinfo
X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
  Adaptor #0: "XV_SWOV"
    number of ports: 1
    port base: 68
    operations supported: PutImage
    supported visuals:
      depth 16, visualID 0x22
      depth 16, visualID 0x23
      depth 16, visualID 0x24
      depth 16, visualID 0x25
      depth 16, visualID 0x26
      depth 16, visualID 0x27
      depth 16, visualID 0x28
      depth 16, visualID 0x29
      depth 16, visualID 0x2a
      depth 16, visualID 0x2b
      depth 16, visualID 0x2c
      depth 16, visualID 0x2d
    number of attributes: 6
      "XV_COLORKEY" (range 0 to 16777215)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 2081)
      "XV_BRIGHTNESS" (range 0 to 10000)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 5000)
      "XV_CONTRAST" (range 0 to 20000)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 10000)
      "XV_SATURATION" (range 0 to 20000)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 10000)
      "XV_HUE" (range -180 to 180)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 0)
      "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY" (range 0 to 1)
              client settable attribute
              client gettable attribute (current value is 0)
    maximum XvImage size: 1920 x 1200
    Number of image formats: 5
      id: 0x32595559 (YUY2)
        guid: 59555932-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
        bits per pixel: 16
        number of planes: 1
        type: YUV (packed)
      id: 0x32315659 (YV12)
        guid: 59563132-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
        bits per pixel: 12
        number of planes: 3
        type: YUV (planar)
      id: 0x434d5658 (XVMC)
        guid: 56494100-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
        bits per pixel: 12
        number of planes: 1
        type: YUV (planar)
      id: 0x35315652 (RV15)
        guid: 52563135-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
        bits per pixel: 16
        number of planes: 1
        type: RGB (packed)
        depth: 15
        red, green, blue masks: 0x7c00, 0x3e0, 0x1f
      id: 0x36315652 (RV16)
        guid: 52563136-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
        bits per pixel: 16
        number of planes: 1
        type: RGB (packed)
        depth: 16
        red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f

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