AW: [Openchrome-users] 50€ REWARD: Still"BadAccess" - please help!!

tony tony
Tue Jan 3 14:26:17 PST 2006

Le mardi 03 janvier 2006 ? 14:02 +0100, Ethan Arnold a ?crit :

> I am working remotely on the machine (watching the screen from across the room) via 2 ssh sessions, both logged in as root. In one i just say "startx" and in the other session i just say "mplayer -vo xv filename.mpeg". If I login as root on the console, startx, and then run mplayer in an xterm, the results are all the same.

Are you stopping starting X only or rebooting the machine?

I had one case where stopping X was not enough I had to reboot.

Tony Grant - vente d'ordinateurs mini-itx en ligne - A fedora Core 4 based live CD for VIA Epia-M

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