[Openchrome-users] Widescreen flat panels and CLE266

John Robinson john.robinson
Wed Jan 4 19:52:45 PST 2006

On 03/01/2006 17:16, Atro Tossavainen wrote:
> (II) VIA(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
> (II) VIA(0): clock: 106.5 MHz   Image Size:  410 x 256 mm
> (II) VIA(0): h_active: 1440  h_sync: 1520  h_sync_end 1672 h_blank_end 1904 h_border: 0
> (II) VIA(0): v_active: 900  v_sync: 903  v_sync_end 909 v_blanking: 942 v_border: 0

Hmm, I think I'd try the modeline the monitor itself is suggesting, or
at least as near as we can get on a CLE266, i.e. use a 108MHz clock
instead of the 106.5MHz one it's asking for:

Modeline "1440x900" 108.00 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 903 909 942



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