[Openchrome-users] Re: Re: No Display after installing Via Drive

John Robinson john.robinson
Sat Jan 7 03:21:41 PST 2006

On 07/01/2006 01:59, Wilson L. wrote:
> Thanks for the response.  I changed my xorg.conf:
> http://illson.hopto.org/xorg.conf3

It says
	HorizSync    48.4
	VertRefresh  60.0

but a little Googling suggests that actually your monitor's specification is
	HorizSync    31-60
	VertRefresh  56-75

> I don't quit understand these modelines - but I am researching it now.

Modelines aren't dead easy, but your xorg.conf has none. X.org includes
standard VESA modelines, but I'm not sure if your xorg.conf exactly
matches any VESA mode. Could you perhaps try the above monitor spec stuff?



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