[Openchrome-users] Re: Re: No Display after installing Via Driver

Wilson L. illson415
Mon Jan 9 02:50:38 PST 2006

>I believe you could do this as easily as changing the line
>         Driver      "via"
>	Driver      "vesa"
>and rebooting X.  If that works, I have a modeline to suggest for you.
>Also, I am *not* sure what the "viewport" lines effect, exactly.  Have
>you tried omitting them?  I doubt this is the problem, but I would give
>it a try.

Hi John and Ben

I omitted the DPMS and viewport from my xorg.conf and still having the 
display issue.  When it is loading X, the monitor blanks out and says "no 
signal" with an orange light.  I also tried toggling the resolution and the 
monitor displays no signal.

Here is my xorg.conf  and logs after the modifications and reboot:



Now i changed my xorg.conf to the use the Vesa drivers as you guys has 
suggested (added back the DMPS and viewpoint lines).  The monitor works 
again when changing it back to the vesa driver.  Here are xconfig and logs 
after the reboot:



Please advise.

Thanks guys! =)

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