[Openchrome-users] Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Hanging on Video Exit via xvmc-vld

Paul Bender pebender
Tue Jan 10 17:03:37 PST 2006

Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
> Paul Bender wrote:
>> Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
>>> Paul Bender wrote:
>>>> Thomas Hellstr?m wrote:
>>>>> Paul Bender wrote:
>>>>>> Sam Davies wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi there
>>>>>>> I have a EPIA SP13000 which was running FC4 with the RPMs from
>>>>>>> http://washington.kelkoo.net/epia/FC4/RPMS/ with mythTV using via
>>>>>>> xvmc-vld mpeg2 decoding, and despite a few glitches, all was fine.
>>>>>>> I then needed to update X, and did so with yum update xorg-x11\* 
>>>>>>> (with
>>>>>>> the epia repositories set up as detailed). Although xine still seems
>>>>>>> to work fine with the mpeg acceleration, mythtv plays video fine 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> acceleration, however, when you try to exit watching a video, a half
>>>>>>> blue, half black screen is shown for a couple of seconds. The system
>>>>>>> then returns to a half-rendered myth screen, but the system seems to
>>>>>>> have hung.
>>>>>>> I have tried getting the latest version of mythtv from svn and
>>>>>>> recompiling, but the same problem occurs.
>>>>>>> I seem to remember reading about something similar about this on one
>>>>>>> of the mailing lists a while ago, but I can't seem to find it.
>>>>>>> My X log doesn't seem register any errors at the point of crashing.
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>>> sam
>>>>>>> kernel: 2.6.12-1.1447 (with drm module)
>>>>>>> X:
>>>>>>> myth: from svn revision 8525
>>>>>> In developing MiniMyth <http://linpvr.org>, I encountered the same 
>>>>>> thing on the CN400 based motherboards. It appears that the problem 
>>>>>> started after the big Xv update in the unichrome drivers. As a 
>>>>>> result, have not upgraded X beyond 6.8.2 and I have not upgraded 
>>>>>> the unichrome drivers beyond the 20050815 snapshot.
>>>>> Hmm, You guys are not talking about this that got fixed in 
>>>>> November, are you?
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>>> r77 | totte | 2005-11-15 22:01:54 +0100 (Tue, 15 Nov 2005) | 3 lines
>>>>> - Fix Xv surface destruction and re-allocation.
>>>>>  (Reported by Cedric Berger).
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>> I do not believe so. When I so that show up in the change logs, I 
>>>> updated and tried it. I still had the same problem.
>>>> For me, since the earlier version works fine, it has not been a high 
>>>> priority to track down the problem. Currently my SP800E is not 
>>>> hooked up. However, since it appears that someone else is having the 
>>>> same problem, I guess I will hook up my SP800E and generate some 
>>>> debug logs.
>>> Great.
>>> If possible, use latest openchrome svn. I just added some stuff that 
>>> protects against XvMC surface- and context freeing issues. I doubt 
>>> that this is the cause, however.
>> Yes, I will use the latest openChrome SVN. Should I use the latest DRM 
>> CVS as well (currently, I am using 2.7.4)? With the build system I 
>> have set up for MiniMyth, it is easy to build and run any version.
> Please do!
>> By the way, since my evenings are busy this week, it is unlikely that 
>> I will get to this before the weekend.
> No problems,
> /Thomas
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I managed to find some time this morning. It happened after exiting 
MythTV Live TV for the third time. After that attempting to enter MythTV 
Live TV would fail with a blue screen where the video should be and X 
would use 100% of the CPU.

The messages.gz contains the agp and drm lines from /var/log/messages. 
Xorg.0.log.1.gz is after exiting Live TV for the third time and getting 
the 1/2 black and 1/2 blue screen. Xorg.0.log.2.gz is after reentering 
Live TV and getting the blue screen.

Let me know if you need more information.
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