[Openchrome-users] Unichrome Pro IGP on K8M800

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Fri Jan 27 15:31:39 PST 2006

Hi Florent,

Florent Piteau wrote:
> Hi,
> First, I'm new to this ML, so Hi Everybody :) I'm a french student and 
> I'm trying to do my best with English language !!
> I've a VIA S3 Unichrome Pro IGP on a K8M800 motherboard with an AMD 
> Semprom 64 and I want to install a 64 bit native linux system... maybe 
> gentoo or debian testing.
> And I want to know how is the support of the K8M800 of the Openchrome 
> driver because I've looking on the net and I've read a lot of different 
> things.

> Is there any documentation about how to built the modular X11R7 with the 
> openchrome SVN version ? Or maybe just on how to built the SVN version :o)
I've just updated the compile howto for openchrome.
It needs to be verified, but it's (imo) much better than before.

> Before posting here, I've try to access to the user Forum on the 
> openchrome.org website trough this address 
> http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1 but 
> it's always a blank page...
Forums seem to be down. I'll try to ping Thomas or Ivor.



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