[Openchrome-users] Sp13000 with Mythtv OSD fade problem

Greg Farrell greg
Fri Jul 21 07:42:16 PDT 2006


 I'm running MythTv .19-fixes on a SP13000 using svn revision 188
of the openchrome drivers.

When the MythTV OSD times out it performs an eye-candy fade where
it gets increasingly translucent until it disappears. This murders my 
Video breaks up and audio too, suggestive of very high cpu usage.

I asked about this on the MythTV list and another user with a M1000 
which is
slower than a SP13000 does not experience the same problem. Could this be
a cn400 related issue? It happens using XvMC and with normal decoding.

Does anybody else with a cn400 based board see this problem? I can fix 
it for
myself by disabling the fade in the osd.xml file, but I think there's a 
bug here
that you guys should know about.


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