[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #53: VT1623 24bit 720x576NoScale still broken

openChrome trac
Thu Jun 15 06:03:05 PDT 2006

#53: VT1623 24bit 720x576NoScale still broken
Reporter:  anonymous  |       Owner:  somebody
    Type:  defect     |      Status:  new     
Priority:  major      |   Component:  xdriver 
 Version:             |    Keywords:          
 With 188, the 720x576Noscale mode is still broken in 24bit.  In 16bit
 there is slight overscan.

 I've seen the same distortion in other modes if using the Xvidtune to
 adjust the centering of the image and moving the image left. If the image
 is moved far enough left it get's distorted in the same way and can not be
 "undistorted" by moving it right again; needs restarting.

 I'm attaching a camera shot of the 16:9 Pal tv.

 The packaged version (gentoo) I was using previously was installed in
 /usr/lib, while the svn version was installed in /usr/local/lib. I've
 removed the /usr/lib version.

Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/53>
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