[Openchrome-users] 2 videos at the same time--any help would be great

Thomas Hellström thomas
Mon Jun 19 02:18:37 PDT 2006

userforum at openchrome.org wrote:

>2 videos at the same time--any help would be great
>In my previous topic I just asked whether it is possible to display two different videos?
>I think I should give more details. I have EPIA ML8000. This also uses CLE266 such as EPIA M10000.
>Sometime ago I have give a try to play 2 different videos with an older version of unichrome drivers. It was before the fork. I remember that I was able to play different videos with a success. While the first one is using hardware acc. the other one uses soft. I was satisfied with the performance because the second video which uses the soft decode is a MPEG4 file and needs very low performance.
>Yesterday I give a try with the latest openchrome drivers. With the same video files (first opening video file is MPEG2 and the second one is MPEG4) I have no success. First MPEG2 one plays very smooth while the second MPEG4 one is ugly. As I notice when xine attempts to play the second video file dri creates a new screen such as "__driCreateNewScreen_20050727 - succeeded". But in my previous successfull attempt the older driver does not create a new dri screen it just passes through the cpu for softcodes.
>Any help on how to play 2 different video files just as the same success with older unichrome projects driver would be great. I am sure that there must be a driver parameter for xorg.conf or a xine parameter.
>Thanks for support,

While the CLE266 hardware has support for playing two acceleated videos 
at once, this is not supported by the driver.
What is happening now is that the first video is played accelerated. The 
other one is played using the opengl driver.

With the earlier version, the second one was probably played using the 
xshm driver, which is very slow, but usable in some situations.

Try starting the second instance if xine with
xine -V xshm


>Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=1&comments_parentId=&post_reply=1#form>
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