[Openchrome-users] VM800 status

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Sat Mar 4 02:34:20 PST 2006

On Thursday 02 March 2006 16:03, Steffen Sobiech wrote:
> > > However, Xv and XvMC still leave me with a black screen.
> >
Do you mean the playback window you're using goes black? Can you give the xv 
test card app a go and see what it does. 

Also, can you try different color depths, 16 bit/24 bit and see if anything 

> > If you're still having problems with the current svn code please supply
> > some logs.
> Which logs do you need? Xorg.log? xine log? Should I post them to this
> list?
Well any is better than none. :) But a zipped xorg log would be a start.

Ivor Hewitt.

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