[Openchrome-users] Issues with spam filtering on the list...

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx
Sat Mar 4 23:47:16 PST 2006

Ivor Hewitt wrote:

>On Saturday 04 March 2006 19:49, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>Since utf-8 is used mostly for Han and Korean scripts, we block it from
>>our site...
>er, utf-8 is quite popular in most of europe too especially eastern europe.

Isn't that what iso-8859-2 and iso-8859-4 are for?  or -15?

But more to the point...  If one is posting to an English language list,
then in
theory one is limited to ASCII (or at least Latin1) characters...  and
mail reader is supposed to detect that and "downgrade" to the lowest common
denominator (as it were) in terms of character sets.

At least, that's what RFC...  Ummm...  RFC...  Oh, mumble.  Can't remember.
I'd have to go back and look.


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