[Openchrome-users] some issues related to tv out (still colored vertical stripes, video timings)

Thorsten spam
Thu Mar 23 14:29:41 PST 2006

Thomas Hellstr?m schrieb:
> This isn't an openchrome log. Seems like an Xorg via driver log.
> /Thomas
Ohhhhhppps! I am so sorry stealing your time.

I've checked my installation, now.

... and missed two things...

Didn't build / install libdrm and kernel modules

via_drv.so and via_drv.sa has been installed to:

but dapper drake needs it in:

Because everything seemed to work already (3D / xxmc, without doing 
above mentioned steps), I thought the driver has been installed correctly.
(again: sorry).

Now, it works like a charme :-)

Thank you very much, anyway!

BTW: These are the corrected steps for building / installing DRM

   cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at dri.freedesktop.org 
<http://pserver:anonymous at dri.freedesktop.org>:/cvs/dri co drm
Install libdrm*
   cd drm
   ./configure <-- isn't that already done by autogen.sh, is it?
   make install
Install kernel module*
   cd linux-core
   make LINUXDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build DRM_MODULES=via
   cp *.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm/
   depmod -ae

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