[Openchrome-users] Some general questions

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Fri Mar 24 02:30:54 PST 2006

Bilderbeek, Manuel wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have troubles reaching the openchrome web site. Is it a local problem
> or is there indeed a problem with the site?
pb with the primary dns machine

> About my questions (see below): I only got one reply. Are the questions
> unclear, uninteresting or am I too impatient? :P
> It's quite important to me.
6.8.2 is old, very, very old... I guess nobody remembers...

> --
> Kind regards,
> Manuel Bilderbeek 
>>I have some general questions about the via/unichrome drivers in Xorg.
>>As I said before, I'm using a Via Epia with a CLE266 chipset, and I'm
>>not interested in xv, only in 2D hardware acceleration and also in
>>OpenGL acceleration. An 800x600x16bpp mode is what I intend to use.
>>1) what is supported in the driver in Xorg 6.8.2? I saw there is a via
>>driver and also the unichrome_dri stuff is in it.
via driver in xorg 6.8.2 is unichrome r30. see unichrome.sf.net.
Don't remember about 3D, might even be completely broken, really don't 
remember... xorg 6.8.2 contains something like mesa 6.2.x

>>2) how is the 2D and 3D performance of the driver in Xorg 6.8.2,
>>compared to 6.9 and the current SVN?
3D at least has seen a complete rewrite since 6.8.2. Support is much 
better now.

>>3) what is the minimum amount of video RAM to set up in the 
>>BIOS, needed
>>for the above mentioned purposes? (I guess it's more for 
>>OpenGL than for
>>only 2D, but how much? Both for Xorg 6.8.2 and 6.9, if there's a
2D will only need 800x600x16 bits so 8Mb will be enough
3D depends on the number of texture you will need.
I might be completely wrong here...

>>4) in Xorg 6.8.2 I found both a unichrome_dri.so and a via_dri.so.
>>What's the difference and how do I specify which one to use, if
>>necessary? AFAIK I can only set the driver to 'via' in the 
>>Xorg.conf and
>>via_drv determines which dri module to load.
via_dri.so is even older than unichrome_dri.so

>>As you may have noticed, I'm stuck with Xorg 6.8.2 for now and I'm
>>trying to grok what this means for me. Plus some additional things I'm
>>not understanding yet :)
why are you stuck ? I agree that moving to 7.0 (modular) is a lot of 
work, but 6.9 is not that different than 6.8.2. You can easily patch in 
openchrome in either one and make some updated packages, while still not 
breaking dependancies.


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