[Openchrome-users] Commell LV-667

Ken Huisman ken_a
Sun Mar 26 19:45:04 PST 2006

> Perhaps. I haven't got tv-out on my commell so I don't know. I recall someone 
> reporting success. YMMV. Please test and report back.
> -- 
> Ivor Hewitt.

I just joined this mailing list, having recently (in the last few days) purchased
an LV-667T and I'm trying to get SVideo-out working.

I pulled down the latest SVN version of the code (March 26) and built it on my system,
but I get ugly bars and wacky colors on my TV screen when I start X.

Is there a patch available somewhere for this motherboard?

I'm not 100% sure my Monitor section in my xorg.conf file is correct for what you
would expect for a standard S-Video NTSC television - this is what I have:

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier		"MonitorTV"
	DisplaySize             400 300
	HorizSync 30-67
	VertRefresh 30-75

Can anyone confirm that this is appropriate?

>From reading the mailing list archives, it seems to me that only recently the
support for the VT1625 chip was added to the driver.  This is the chip that is
on the LV-667.  Is it generally believed that the VT1625 support is complete, or
is it still under development?  I'm wondering if I should be expecting this
motherboard to work with the current codebase or not...



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