[Openchrome-users] compile error svn rev 181

Karl Hiramoto karl
Mon May 1 12:49:36 PDT 2006

Marcin 'Morgoth' Kurek wrote:
> Hell[o] Karl,
> On 2006-05-01, you wrote:
>>> try applying a relevant part of the patch at 
> Yes. I has the same problems under 7.1rc1. Disable DRI fix that. 

Thanks Marcin, Xorg 7.0  starts up fine after disabling DRI in my xorg.conf.

No dri now :-(

(--) VIA(0): Using SSE YUV42X copy for video.
(WW) VIA(0): [XvMC] Cannot use XvMC without DRI!

I had this all working back in Jan / Feb.  on my SP13000 box.  This weekend i
decided to update my gentoo system and now broke openchrome.

I tried going back several months in svn source, but those don't compile either.

Karl Hiramoto <karl at hiramoto.org>

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