[Openchrome-users] compile error svn rev 181

Marcin 'Morgoth' Kurek morgoth6
Mon May 1 17:40:15 PDT 2006

Hell[o] Karl,

On 2006-05-01, you wrote:

> I tried going back several months in svn source, but those don't compile
> either. 

This is normal because Xorg 7.1rc1 introduce a incompatible ABI change in
the video drivers interface and older driver wont work with recent Xorg. In
future think twice before emerge a masked package ... this is still rc1.

Anyway as I say in previous e-mail I belive this is caused by some change in
Xorg or maybe in drm itself. I will try to investigate it today, but I am
not expert here and I have no openchrome card ATM.

 :: Morgoth/Dreamolers-CAPS && TBS ::

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 :: Pegasos User&Developer ::

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