[Openchrome-users] hello all

Terry Lewis terry
Fri May 5 11:17:44 PDT 2006

Hi folks. I just thought I would make my presence known. I see that you 
adopted my patch for the Chrontel CH7019B chip. Thats great! :)

I wanted to mention that I intend on doing some more research into making the 
Chrontel CH7109B chip working. I actually had this working with the unichrome 
driver a long time ago but looks like a lot has changed since which prevents 
functionality at present. 

Anyway, I'm prepared to start working on it again soon. I have tested the 
latest SVN version and it partially works, that is it recognises my chip but 
thats all. I don't think it would take much to kick it into action again :)

If there's anything I should know before I start then do please let me know.
Terry Lewis

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