[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #43: Xorg Sync issue with openchrome driver?

openChrome trac
Tue May 16 07:41:24 PDT 2006

#43: Xorg Sync issue with openchrome driver?
Reporter:  anonymous  |       Owner:  somebody
    Type:  defect     |      Status:  new     
Priority:  major      |   Component:  xdriver 
 Version:             |    Keywords:          
 I upgraded in february to Xorg 6.8.2 and the lastest cvs version of
 openchrome. I've only recently
 noticed a new bug with some code where we do a screen grab.

 A gtk widget is hidden, then a screen grab is taken. Since the upgrade to
 the new xorg/openchrome after the gtk widget has been hidden when the X
 screenshot is taken it still contains the widget. The X server is not
 correctly syncing before returning the data for the screengrab.

 As I understand it the gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable() should make X sync
 before it returns the data, the behaviour was as wanted previous to the
 upgrade anyway. I also tried ensuring a sync had occured with the
 following code before the screen grab

  while (gtk_events_pending ())
       gtk_main_iteration ();

     /* We need to sync with the X server to make sure the screen grab
      * does not display the dialogue */

     display = gdk_display_get_default();
     gdk_display_flush( display );
     gdk_display_sync( display );

 I'm posting this here because this seems to be either an X.org bug or a
 bug with the Openchrome driver. I don't know enough to distinguish which
 it is. I've worked around this bug by doing away with the functionality
 that triggered it so it's not a pressing issue for me but I hope if there
 is a problem this bug report will help highlight it.


Ticket URL: <http://openchrome.org/trac/ticket/43>
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