[Openchrome-users] OpenGL -- works?

Dan Sandberg dan.sandberg.lists
Thu May 25 02:57:27 PDT 2006

I've been experiencing serious slowness problems with OpenGL on my
MII10000 ( CLE266 ).

I started with the stock via driver in Ubuntu 5.10, but have now tried
the unichrome drivers as well.

When I run 'glxgears -printfps' on the machine, I get 75 frames/sec. 
The gears start out spinning fast but then almost completely stop.  On
my laptop ( Thinkpad T30, 1.8Ghz ) I get 1000 frames/sec. 

Is this how it should be for the latest unichrome driver, or am I doing
something wrong?  Are the closed source drivers any better
performance-wise?  I couldn't manage to test them out unfortunately.



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