[Openchrome-users] OpenGL -- works?

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Thu May 25 03:51:20 PDT 2006

Dan Sandberg wrote:
> I've been experiencing serious slowness problems with OpenGL on my
> MII10000 ( CLE266 ).
> I started with the stock via driver in Ubuntu 5.10, but have now tried
> the unichrome drivers as well.
> When I run 'glxgears -printfps' on the machine, I get 75 frames/sec. 
> The gears start out spinning fast but then almost completely stop.  On
> my laptop ( Thinkpad T30, 1.8Ghz ) I get 1000 frames/sec. 
> Is this how it should be for the latest unichrome driver, or am I doing
> something wrong?  Are the closed source drivers any better
> performance-wise?  I couldn't manage to test them out unfortunately.
Sounds like you're using software GL.
You need to either build the mesa drivers, or an update to dapper would 
probably get working drivers too.


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