[Openchrome-users] Unknow Card Ids 1019|1B45

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed May 31 05:25:49 PDT 2006

Stuart L. Morris wrote:
> I've just installed Openchrome and it seems to be working but I'm 
> getting the following error:
> (--) VIA(0): Chipset: "K8M800"
> (--) VIA(0): mapping MMIO @ 0xec000000 with size 0x9000
> (--) VIA(0): mapping BitBlt MMIO @ 0xec200000 with size 0x10000
> (II) VIA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
> (--) VIA(0): Chipset Rev.: 0
> (EE) VIA(0): Unknown Card-Ids (1019|1B45), report this to the driver 
> maintainer ASAP
> (==) VIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> (--) VIA(0): videoram =  65536k
> The motherboard is a K8M800-M2 V2.0
This is not the output from the openchrome version of the driver, but 
rather from the xorg's driver. Make sure you are using the openchrome 
driver, which already has this pci id, and should properly support your 


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