[Openchrome-users] Amilo Pro V2030

Benno Schulenberg bensberg
Thu Nov 2 13:44:27 PST 2006

Andrzej Popielewicz wrote:
> I have played only few times and for not more than 20 minutes.
> During game everything looks smooth and acceptable.
> Perhaps it requires more detailed observations.

No, when you watch the walls it is quite obvious when something is 
wrong.  When all is smooth, you're okay.

> I saw sometimes black screen after returning after
> screensaver break. I have to switch to virtual console (text mode
> CRTl/ALT F1) and kill bzflag.

Will try that next time I try out Mesa 6.5.*

> Another small problem I have observed is that dynamic blender has
> some problems with menus, I mean during clicking with mouse on
> menu. It does not look nice, some dirty flickering can be
> observed. But static blender is clean.

Here there is no flickering, it's just that a square of some 40 
pixels around the pointer is in inverse colours, it isn't updated 
correctly: when switching from a different desktop back to the 
desktop Blender is on, the square around the pointer remains what 
it was on the other desktop, until I move the mouse.


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