[Openchrome-users] widescreen PAL: practical tips?

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh
Fri Nov 10 10:39:54 PST 2006

Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
> OK, so the 16:9 TV is here.
> I am fiddling with the xorg.conf to get the best picture.
> Main concern at the moment is the overscan or lack of it.
> Mode "720x576" gives screen with black borders all around.
> Mode "720x576Noscale" or "720x576Over" give a screen with almost no top
> and bottom menu bars of the desktop. I.e.: I cannot see the edges of the
> desktop.
> So what must I do to change this?

For now I fixed this by going into the Service Alignment Mode (SAM) of
the TV and adjusting the picture so I have no dark borders nor visible
jagged edges.
What would be the way to fix the modelines for these modes?

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