[Openchrome-users] More than apps on xv at the same time? Which configure-option for XvMC with mplayer on CN400?

Flipsen1977 userforum
Fri Nov 24 07:48:06 PST 2006

More than apps on xv at the same time? Which configure-option for XvMC with mplayer on CN400?
I'm using my SP8000 (CN400) as TV-client for the vdr-project. Therefore I'm looking for a possibility to display the output of two programs (xine and mplayer) to XV or XvMC at the same time.

When I try this and start xine at first to display the normal output of vdr, mplayer tells me: xv: couldn't grab port 68. Afterwards it switches back to x11, which is just a bad alternative because of just unscaled video and a high cpu-use.

When xine isn't working, mplayer uses XV correctly.

Some other users at vdr-community told me, this should work together, but what do I have to do?

Second question: which option do I have to pass to ./configure to compile mplayer with working XvMC-support f?r my CN400? Is it just the name of libXvMC or does it have to be the whole path? I'm using mplayer 1.0rc1, that three patches from the forum are already included.

-- Yves


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