[Openchrome-users] new dri options

Benno Schulenberg bensberg
Tue Oct 3 04:06:02 PDT 2006

Hi all,

Boris Du?ek wrote:
> [...] so then I will send the patch (I discovered some error, it
> needs to be corrected

You meant the driQueryOptioni() that had to be a driQueryOptionb(), 
Boris?  That error was found by Jon and is fixed in attached patch.
Or was it something else?

The patch adds all four new options to common/xmlpool/t_options.h, 
so they can be translated.  The alternate screen option doesn't 
look very useful, though, as it only seems to black out the 
glxgears window.  Page flipping and SSE copying don't have any 
noticeable effect, so they need a more detailed description.

The second patch moves the debug_control struct from via_context.c 
to via_screen.c, to make the debugging block in there work.

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Name: mesa-unichrome--new-options-7.patch
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20061003/d12bdbc0/mesa-unichrome--new-options-7.bin
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Name: mesa-unichrome--debugging-3.patch
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20061003/d12bdbc0/mesa-unichrome--debugging-3.bin

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