[Openchrome-users] VIA enhanced Xine Player (VeXP)

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed Oct 11 08:23:17 PDT 2006

Hi Thiago,

>  I need the drivers from VIAARENA to compile VeXP?


>  Are xine patched with VeXP only compatible with VIA proprietary drivers?

>  Howto use MPEG2 accel of Unichrome chip?
>  With opensource player support this MPEG2 accelaration?!
>  I need other player like Mplayer or MythTV?!
openchrome driver plus upstream xine or mythtv will give you a working 
mpeg2 acceleration. mplayer also, but it'll need a patch available in 
openchrome wiki.

oh, and btw, don't expect much support for the proprietary binary only 
crap from VIA here. But if you decide to choose the opensource path, 
you're at the right place :-)


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