[Openchrome-users] can't get to make it work

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed Oct 11 12:01:54 PDT 2006

> yup i've try to do a quick compile and get some errors, so i switched to vlc and xine, in xine i have a verbose mode and i see a "using hardware decode for this stream" but for vlc i don't find one, from the cpuload i see its the same so i presume its in hardware.
> is there a switch i didn't see for a verbose mode in vlc?
Sorry, I don't know the status of VLC. I've read about ppl trying to 
incorporate XvMC VLD support to it, but I'm not sure the task have been 
finished, either as a patch or incorporated in VLC codebase.

If nobody knows here, I suppose the next place to ask would be on VLC 
mailing list.


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