[Openchrome-users] Image corruption "stripes" with P4M800PRO-M

calinb userforum
Thu Oct 19 16:54:57 PDT 2006

Re: Image corruption "stripes" with P4M800PRO-M
> Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=Image corruption "stripes" with P4M800PRO-M|Image corruption "stripes" with P4M800PRO-M] page.
I have the P4M800PRO-M ver.1 (no Core 2 Duo support) and I've had the same problem.  Strangely, 1280x800 works okay on my system, but 1280x1024 has the "shutter pane" effect.

I also noticed that the stripes sometimes go away by resizing the image.  For example, by playing with the underscan/overscan settings in MythTV, I can eliminate the stripes.

I've also never been able to get XvMCPro to work with HD mpeg2 with this board and Openchrome (using Xine).  I once thought I had one HD mpeg file that worked, but I can not longer duplicate my previous (imagined ?) success.



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