[Openchrome-users] RPMs for opensuse 10.1

calinb userforum
Thu Oct 19 17:42:57 PDT 2006

Re: RPMs for opensuse 10.1

> Do the binaries include DRI in it?
> The documentation at this site don't tell me anything!
> I am very confused!
> (:confused:)
Well, actually, the site likely has all the information you need to build Openchrome and DRM.


I think that's what nearly everyone does.

You'll probably need to google around a bit to learn how to setup your xorg.conf file. 
I suggest you migrate to Xorg 7.x, though I have no idea what's involved in doing so on SuSE.  You may or may not find the script here, http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=28&threadid=73509&STARTPAGE=1 
useful on SuSE.



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