[Openchrome-users] drmAgpAcquire failed 19 (:frown:)

nienithaur userforum
Wed Oct 25 08:54:23 PDT 2006

drmAgpAcquire failed 19 (:frown:)
Hi! First of all, I would like to I would like to extend my deepest gratitudeto the creators and maintainers of the openchrome drivers. Without you my via mini-itx machine would be so much less fun to play around with.

Unfortunately, I've been having some trouble getting it all to work. I'm not a linux Guru, but I know my way around most basic things. My system is a Via Epia-SP13000. I think I have the "CN400" chipset (Unichrome Pro). The linux distribution I'm using is Gentoo Linux, with kernel "2.6.16-gentoo-r9" and Xorg 7.0. I followed the instructions on this page, combined with some Gentoo-specific guides like this one: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Unichrome_How-To

When I run "X" or "startx" i get the following error:

(EE) VIA(0): [drm] drmAgpAcquire failed 19
(EE) VIA(0): [drm] Failed to initialize DMA ring-buffer: 14
Fulfilled via DRI at 5532480
Freed 5532480 (pool 2)

X then start, but the resolution is set to 640x480. I checked the logfile and found several errors.

cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -E "EE|WW" outputs this among other things:

(WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
(WW) VIA(0): width=720:720, height=576:480, std=2:2, name=720x576Noscale:720x480pal.
(WW) VIA(0): width=720:720, height=480:480, std=1:2, name=720x480Noscale:720x480pal.
(WW) VIA(0): width=720:720, height=480:480, std=2:2, name=720x480pal:720x480pal.
(EE) VIA(0): [drm] drmAgpAcquire failed 19
(EE) VIA(0): [drm] Failed to initialize DMA ring-buffer: 14
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x22
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x23
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x24
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x25

lsmod gives me:
Module                  Size  Used by
via                    41792  -
drm                    73152  -
agpgart                28536  -

So I noticed via_agp is missing. After modprobing the output is:
Module                  Size  Used by
via_agp                 7656  -
via                    41792  -
drm                    73152  -
agpgart                28536  -

But I still get the same errors from Xorg. If anyone could help me with this I would be eternally grateful. Thanks.



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