[Openchrome-users] VT1625

Roy Thompson roy
Mon Oct 30 02:49:57 PST 2006

>> > I'm tempted to commit the fixed version, but as I don't own a VT1625
> nor
>> > do I know if any modes for it in the current code works, I'm still
>> > unsure what to do.
>> As long as the status of the PAL modes is not known, I would not
> commit the changes.
> I agree.
> The PAL stuff comes from a patch that was posted here a few months ago.
> I'm an NTSC guy so I can't test the PAL modes.  Did you try the
> 720x576Over mode?
> I posted my xorg.conf that i use on the webpage above but i am an ntsc
> guy, so i dunno if it will help you.

Hi all, I'm the one (or one of the ones) who posted a PAL 1625 patch
a while ago.  I got distracted by other things and didn't pursue it any
more.  I've tested Ken's latest patch against rev 227 in 720x576Over PAL
and it works fine for me on my EN12000.  I have not tried any other modes
yet.  I can confirm also that it no longer needs the tweak to via_modes.h.


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