[Openchrome-users] VT1625

Sandeman userforum
Mon Oct 30 04:37:05 PST 2006

Re: VT1625
Hi Roy (and others),

I also tried the patch but unfortunatly it does not work correct for me. The X server starts up okay, but the TV screen does not look good. The colors are not correct and there are equidistant vertical lines on the screen.

I can't see any more options I could try now. Could you please show your xorg.conf file you are using Roy?

Also, I am using Xorg 6.8.2. I did not see anywhere that there is a minimal requirement for the Xorg version. But perhaps I overlooked something. Other info that might be usefull.

Motherboard : VIA EPIA CN10000 (CN700 chipset)
OS : Fedora Core 4
I'm using the S-Video output and a 4:3 PAL television.



> >> > I'm tempted to commit the fixed version, but as I don't own a VT1625
> > nor
> >> > do I know if any modes for it in the current code works, I'm still
> >> > unsure what to do.
> >>
> >> As long as the status of the PAL modes is not known, I would not
> > commit the changes.
> >
> > I agree.
> >
> ...
> > The PAL stuff comes from a patch that was posted here a few months ago.
> > I'm an NTSC guy so I can't test the PAL modes.  Did you try the
> > 720x576Over mode?
> >
> > I posted my xorg.conf that i use on the webpage above but i am an ntsc
> > guy, so i dunno if it will help you.
> >
> Hi all, I'm the one (or one of the ones) who posted a PAL 1625 patch
> a while ago.  I got distracted by other things and didn't pursue it any
> more.  I've tested Ken's latest patch against rev 227 in 720x576Over PAL
> and it works fine for me on my EN12000.  I have not tried any other modes
> yet.  I can confirm also that it no longer needs the tweak to via_modes.h.
> Roy
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