[Openchrome-users] Amilo Pro V2030

Benno Schulenberg bensberg
Mon Oct 30 14:00:37 PST 2006

Andrzej Popielewicz wrote:
> 1)
> Although I was using Mesa 6.5.1 sources, it seems , that I have
> linked with original Ubuntu GL* libraries 6.4.1(glxinfo shows
> that too). If I link with new libraries, everything is much
> slower. It means do not use new libraries, but only new sources.

Ah.  But you must use the 6.5 libraries.  They are the problematic 

> 2) geartrain works fine. All what was required, was adding
> glutInit call, which was missing from 6.5.1 sources(!!!).

Maybe the extra call is only needed because you're using the 6.4 
libs?  For comparisons sake (with Mesa 6.4 cvs):

$ ./geartrain
455 frames in 5.009 seconds = 90.8365 FPS
452 frames in 5.008 seconds = 90.2556 FPS

> 3)I have tested now all demos/xdemos/samples/redbook from Mesa
> 6.5.1. Works fine, including textures(fine metalic sphere demo).
> 4) the simple demo program mentioned in bug works as wanted, two
> flipping blue/white triangles show up periodically.
> It seems , I can claim 3d works now on my system. Or ?

When tuxracer and bzflag and flightgear run fine too, yes.


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