[Openchrome-users] mplayer 1.0rc1 openchrome patch updates

spood userforum
Tue Oct 31 17:28:18 PST 2006

Re: mplayer 1.0rc1 openchrome patch updates
> They apply to the released tarball, not to the SVN thrunk. The MPlayer 
> repository does something somewhat annoying with its SVN trunk (and 
> maybe their branches, I do not know). It links to the FFmpeg repository 
> without specifying an FFmpeg revision number. As a result, you always 
> get the latest FFmpeg when you check out MPlayer from SVN reguardless of 
> what revision number you specify. This is fine when you are checking out 
> a snapshot of head, but not good when checking out a previous revision 
> number.

Awesome, thanks. And thanks for the patches!



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