[Openchrome-users] P4M800CE being detected as VM800

calinb userforum
Fri Sep 1 23:28:48 PDT 2006

Re: P4M800CE being detected as VM800
Chad,  I came here (newly registered) to seek help compiling the mplayer patch and saw your post.  I'm a Gentoo newb but I've seen your problem with other distros on my mobo--an ECS P4M800 Pro M.  It has the Via P4M800 Pro chipset.  This Gentoo system is the first distro to run correctly with my mobo.  I used the GUI 2006.0 CD (one day before 2006.1 came out :() and installed X-Org 7.0 and GCC 4.1.1.  I also built a new kernel with very little tweaking as I'm just trying to get XvMC working with mplayer and MythTV quickly.

 I was still working through some library issues with 4.1.1 when 2006.1 was released and  I did an emerge -uavD world.  Everything went fairly well.  Next I installed Openchrome and DRM using this guide, but there were a few problems I had to resolve myself. 


Openchrome, XvMC, and DRM appear to be up.  The chipset seems to be identified correclty.

If you are interested in my kernel config settings, let me know.  You could try X-Org 7.0.

Now if I can just get the mplayer patch to compile!

localhost portage # lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge
.....blah blah blah
-01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)

(II) Module vgahw: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
        compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 0.1.0
        ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 0.8
.....blah blah blah
(--) VIA(0): Detected ECS P4M800PRO-M.



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