[Openchrome-users] VIA Unichrome/Openchrome display driver support for widescreen and screen rotation

John Robinson john.robinson
Sat Sep 2 06:31:18 PDT 2006

On 01/09/2006 21:28, Raphael Burnes wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have been searching through documentation a fair bit, but can not find
> anything that exactly answers my questions, which are;
> 1. 
> Do VIA Unichrome display drivers (and the open source linux drivers for
> them) support a widescreen resolution of 1360x768?

Yes, the openChrome driver supports any mode, given a suitable ModeLine 
(there isn't a built-in one for that resolution, but you could try the 
`gtf` program) or if your monitor describes such a mode via EDID.

> and,
> 2. 
> Do they support screen rotation?

Yes, but only without any acceleration.

> I'd like to have a widescreen TV in portrait mode, if at all possible.

If you turn a CRT TV (or monitor) on its side, the picture will end up 
looking very weird with all the wrong colours, unless it has been 
designed to be turned in the first place.



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