[Openchrome-users] Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?

calinb userforum
Sun Sep 10 11:41:39 PDT 2006

Re: Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?
> Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?|Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?] page.

Like so much open source software, if you had to pay for it, you couldn't afford it!  ;)

But more seriously...another concern is the multitude of Pro chipsets.  I have a P4M800Pro and it suffers the same HD maladies as the CN700.  Are the P4M800Pro, CE, and CN700 chipsets the same, program-wise?  How many other variations are there?  There may be enough of us to pay for development, if it supports all the chipset variations.

Personally, I'm hopeful the new X3000 graphics in the Intel G965 chipset will finally bring full XvMC support (iDCT and MC) to a well supported open source platform.  I suspect that buying a new mobo and CPU will be cheaper than paying for Via XvMC development.  I know I can buy a cheap FX5200 and solve the problem too (I already own a couple of them) but I've been trying to invest in platforms that are friendly to the open source community.  My hopes, right now, are on the new Intel platforms.



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