[Openchrome-users] Success on CN700

fuzz userforum
Mon Sep 11 10:27:34 PDT 2006

Re: Success on CN700
So after spending some time debugging the code, I was able to find that the driver fails when doing it's first call to grabDecoder in viaXvMC.c.  I staticallly linked mplayer to libviaXvMCPro.so since it seems like anytime I try to use the wrapper it always would default to libviaXvMC.so.  The low level calls were, therefore, done in viaLowLevelPro.c.  This failure eventually terminates in agpFlush where the drmCommandWrite returns an error and then agpFlush dumps out the command to the stdout and dies.

I also tried Xine linked to Pro and non-pro drivers trying to play SD MPEG2.  With Pro it dies just like mplayer.  With non-pro, it actually runs the video window but with a black screen.
I think I can assume my DRI drivers and setup is working since glxinfo reports it so and glxgears gives decent fps.  So I'm guessing that the driver either isn't initializing the chip correctly or the calls its trying to lock the decoder for itself isn't being done correctly.

I can't find any information on this CN700 chipset on the internet and can't find any information (other documentation) on the existing drivers.

If anyone can point me to some other documentation, it would help out a lot.


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